Deploy Validator Node

# Deploy Validator Node

In order to simplify the deployment of the validator node, the Octopus Network team provides an automatic deployment service for the validator node. Currently, it supports:

Also, the validator can choose to manually deploy the validator node.

# Hardware configuration

The configuration and approximate cost of each Appchain validator node which is deployed via the automatic deployment service.


Appchain EC2 Instance Type Storage Data Transfer Estimated monthly cost
debionetwork c5.large
4 GB Memory / 2 vCPUs
200 GB 100 GB $99
myriad c5.large
4 GB Memory / 2 vCPUs
200 GB 100 GB $99
atocha c5.large
4 GB Memory / 2 vCPUs
120 GB 100 GB $93
fusotao c5.large
4 GB Memory / 2 vCPUs
260 GB 4500 GB $510
discovol c5.large
4 GB Memory / 2 vCPUs
120 GB 100 GB $93

Digital Ocean

Appchain Droplet Storage Data Transfer Estimated monthly cost
debionetwork 8 GB Memory / 4 vCPUs 200 GB 5 TB $68
myriad 8 GB Memory / 4 vCPUs 200 GB 5 TB $68
atocha 8 GB Memory / 4 vCPUs 120 GB 5 TB $60
fusotao 8 GB Memory / 4 vCPUs 260 GB 7 TB $94
discovol 8 GB Memory / 4 vCPUs 120 GB 5 TB $60


Appchain VM instance Storage Data Transfer Estimated monthly cost
debionetwork e2-standard-2
8 GB Memory / 2 vCPUs
200 GB 100 GB $90
myriad e2-standard-2
8 GB Memory / 2 vCPUs
200 GB 100 GB $90
atocha e2-standard-2
8 GB Memory / 2 vCPUs
120 GB 100 GB $82
fusotao e2-standard-2
8 GB Memory / 2 vCPUs
260 GB 4500 GB $589
discovol e2-standard-2
8 GB Memory / 2 vCPUs
120 GB 100 GB $82

# Change VPS provider

For the validator who need to change the VPS provider of the deployed node, please follow these steps:

  1. Keep the old validator node running;
  2. Deploy a new validator node. For the node which was deployed via the automatic deployment service, please Clear Node Info if needed. validator clear node info
  3. When the new node done the synchronization, please set the Session Key for the new validator node;
  4. The validator could stop the old validator node until the next reward cycle.

# Change the pruning mode

If the node is running as a validator, the default pruning mode is archive to keep all block states. The validator can specify the maximum number of block states to keep by setting the value of the pruning mode with a number.


The automatic deployment service sets the pruning mode with the value 14400 after Jan 23, 2024. So the validators who use the automatic deployment before this date need to change it manually.

Automatic deployment

For the automatically deployed validator node, please follow these steps:

  1. Login to your server (AWS/DigitalOcean/GCP) via SSH;

  2. Stop the appchain node container via executing the command:

    docker compose -f /home/ubuntu/seashell/docker-compose.yaml stop
  3. Update the file docker-compose.yaml under the path /home/ubuntu/seashell to add the following content into command part:

    • for Debio, Myriad, Fusotao, add a new line --blocks-pruning 14400;
    • for Atocha, Discovol, add a new line --unsafe-pruning --pruning 14400;

    An example of docker-compose.yaml for Fusotao is as follows:

    version: "3.8"
        container_name: seashell
        command: >
          --base-path /data/chain_data
          --chain octopus-mainnet
          --rpc-methods Unsafe
          --name validator-alice_near
          --prometheus-port 9616
          --enable-offchain-indexing true
          --wasm-execution Compiled
          --telemetry-url "wss:// 0"
          --blocks-pruning 14400
          - 30333:30333
          - /mnt/volume_54aadaee_1a2c_1d42_abb4_0fef51801fda/chain_data:/data/chain_data
          driver: "json-file"
            max-size: "20m"
            max-file: "5"
        restart: always
        user: root
  4. Start the appchain node container via executing the command:

    docker compose -f /home/ubuntu/seashell/docker-compose.yaml up -d

Manual deployment

For the manually deployed validator node, please follow these steps:

  1. Stop your appchain node;

  2. Start your node to add the new option:

    • for Debio, Myriad, Fusotao, add a new option --blocks-pruning 14400;
    • for Atocha, Discovol, add a new option --unsafe-pruning --pruning 14400;

    An example of using Fusotao fuso is as follows:

    fuso --base-path ./chain_data \
      --chain octopus-mainnet \
      --name fuso-validator-1 \
      --validator \
      --telemetry-url "wss:// 0" \
      --enable-offchain-indexing true \
      --blocks-pruning 14400
Last Updated: 1/24/2024, 1:00:53 AM